саморегулируемая организация ![]() г. Тюмень, ул. Военная, 11/1 Телефон: +7 (929) 269-00-07 +7(3452) 60-00-07 Факс: +7(3452) 43-63-69 E-mail: mcrm436369@mail.ru Время работы: пн.-пт. 9.00-16.30, суббота 9.00-14.00 Клиника лечит бесплодие, проводит ЭКО по ОМС для жителей Тюмени, Челябинска, Екатеринбурга, Омска, Перми, Волгограда, Нижнего Новгорода, Новосибирска, Красноярска, Казани. ЭКО для жителей Ханты-Мансийска, Нижневартовска, Нягани, Пыть-Яха, Сургута, Нефтеюганска, Югорска, Салехарда, Муравленко, Когалыма. Ноябрьска, Нового Уренгоя
День семьи «Меркурий» поздравляет детей, родителей, бабушек и дедушек с православным праздником Семьи, Любви и Верности.
Главная Infertility, infertility treatment in the center of MercuryInfertility - is one of the most important problems in nowadays world. According to expert research data solely in Tyumen region about 18% of fertile population are diagnosed with infertility. It considerably exceeds 15% level of infertility defined by World Health Organization as critical.Treatment of infertility - is the fastest and most effective method for having a child born. And, what is also important, all kids are desired. Parents that have dreamed of a baby will do everything to make their child happy. International Center for IVF "Mercury" - the first in the Ural-Siberian region, which began to be used for infertility treatment. V our IVF center operations were performed in vitro fertilization with the advice of specialists of the Institute of Reproductive Genetics, Chicago (USA), which is a world leader in the field infertility treatment and pre-implantation diagnosis of inherited diseases. As a result, our IVF center is recognized as one of the most successful in Russia. IVF in the "Mercury"
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